About / Contact

Some Introductions Are In Order:

Why this blog, what and why this Ataraxia, and who is this guy?

I’m a married guy in my early thirties, a university graduate, living in a rural place in British Columbia, Canada. If you’ve read my blog, then you know that I have had strong interests in philosophy and Buddhism. I still do, but the ardour is less intense these days, though still very front-of-mind for me. I also am interested in nature, the sciences, psychology, and the arts. I also have a growing curiosity about psychedelia.

The main thrust of this space will be the investigation of these topics from a ‘bringing it-down-to-earth’ perspective – investigating these areas and trying to bring them to (and into) life. All in the search of peace (ataraxia) and enjoyment of this life. Of course, I’m going to write about anything else I want, too – it’s my platform of course.

Why Ataraxia?  This is the Greek word for ‘tranquility’, a state of mind that the post-Socratics thought highly desirable and sought through philosophy and mental discipline.  What about that doesn’t sound great?

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